
无敌椰子 足球新闻 2024-04-12 384 0

In English, the word "football" is pronounced as /ˈfʊtˌbɔl/. Here is a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • Foot: Pronounced as /fʊt/ with a short "u" sound like in the word "put".
  • Ball: Pronounced as /bɔl/ with a long "o" sound like in the word "call".

When saying the word "football" in English, make sure to stress the first syllable "foot" and then continue with the second syllable "ball".


Here is the phonetic spelling of "football": /ˈfʊtˌbɔl/

Practice saying the word slowly at first and then gradually increase your speed to improve your pronunciation. Listening to native speakers say the word can also help you get the correct pronunciation.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep practicing and you'll soon be pronouncing "football" like a native English speaker.


